Hi! David here; I believe in transparency so I want you to know that I’ve included links to products on this site that I will earn an affiliate commission from. It’s also important that you know that Getoutofdepression.com is a for-profit entity registered under Poetic Pachyderm LLC.
After many years of fighting my own battle with depression I started this site to share what I’ve learned through much research on the subject, but, also to earn a living. When things got bad, I lost my job and was not well enough to work for eight years. I’m incredibly excited to share my journey, and to rejoin the land of the productive. I’ve been incredibly blessed to have been taken in by family, but it’s time to strike out and build the life I desire to live.
If you feel the information on this site has been valuable to you, and you’d like to support my work, make a purchase from one of the links. Or update your Amazon bookmark in your browser to my affiliate home page
. That would help out a lot. I can’t thank you enough and I wish you all the best on your journey as well. If I can help let me know.